Personal Year Number - Your Yearly Theme

I came across the "personal year number" a few years ago, but I only started applying its wisdom last year. And I can tell you that it has been a great tool for me ever since. Knowing my personal year number and its general meaning has also given me a lot of clarity about all the significant events that have happened to me in the last decade.

I will tell you about my experience with it in a moment, but first let me briefly explain what a personal year number is and how you can find your own.

As the year has just begun, I believe this tool can give you valuable insights into what lies ahead. It will make it easier for you to plan, set goals and cope with whatever events come your way this year or in the years to come.

*Being a curious soul who likes to explore different areas of life, I naturally like to share things that touch me deeply and that I think could be a source of inspiration for you as well. As I am not a professional in this field, I write everything based on information I have found in various sources and follow my intuition - I invite you to explore this area further if you would like to learn more after reading my introduction to this world. Below you will find links to some websites I have looked at.

Numerology is essentially the study of numbers and their frequencies as they relate to our own lives, purposes, and paths.

How to read this blog post?

I recommend that you first read the basics below and then scroll through the page to find the personal year number you want to know more about (for example, your personal year number for this year). Then you can also read my experience with this tool and maybe see how well it matches the descriptions. I am amazed every time I look back and compare the events with my personal year number for a particular year. 

You can also explore your past events in a similar way - for example, if you feel you need more clarity in some areas. However, the personal year number is a particularly good tool for making the most of your current life situation and very helpful in planning your year(s).

What is the PERSONAL YEAR number?

According to numerology, there are 9 stages of development that individuals must successively pass through as they evolve and mature. These stages are symbolically related to the numbers 1 to 9, and each number is associated with certain characteristics that are believed to correspond to a particular stage in the human life cycle.

The personal years in numerology are based on the universal year cycles and run concurrently with the calendar year. Each personal year number is believed to reveal much about the influences and events a person will experience in that year. This makes it an excellent guide to finding out what to expect in a particular cycle and how to make the most of it. The cycles begin with personal year 1, which indicates the first steps in a new direction, and progress through the years until they end with personal year 9, which completes the cycle.

How to calculate your personal year number?

The simple formula to find your personal year number for this year:

your birth month + your birth day + the current calendar year 

Reduce each of these three numbers to a single digit by adding them together.

Once you have reduced your birth month, birth date and current year to a single digit, add all the numbers together.

If during the process you come up with a two-digit number 11, 22 or 33, remember it for later.

Example of the calculation:

If you were born on 3 October (your year of birth does not matter here) and would like to find out your personal year number for the year 2023:

3(birth day) + (1 + 0)(birth month) + (2 + 0 + 2 + 3)(calendar year) = 3 + 1 + 7 = 11 = 2 

Your personal year number for the year 2023 would therefore be 2 (also look at the extra description for 11/2).


(scroll down to find yours)

Year 1

Theme: A journey of new beginnings, opportunities, independence and becoming who you really are

The past year has brought a whole nine-year era of your life to an end and has probably been emotionally confusing. But these experiences were necessary for the new beginnings to take place this year. Year 1 pushes you to create a more satisfying existence by recognising the new potential that is developing. What you do this year will set the course for the next nine years.

Year 1 is a time of new interests, experiences, goals and insights: about life, about you, about where you have been, where you are now and where you would like to be.

You may begin to doubt the beliefs and attitudes you have always held because you find they are no longer appropriate to current circumstances. You may feel out of place around people you have always felt comfortable with and question their role in your life.

Year 1 teaches us to be independent - but achieving independence often brings feelings of isolation and loneliness. You cannot rely on others for your happiness or success. Know what you want and believe in yourself. If you lack skills in any way, take the time to learn what is necessary to fulfil your intentions.

The only thing you can reliably expect this year is change. One change will lead to another and then another that will take you far from where you thought you were physically, emotionally and mentally. Decide which direction you want your long-term future to take.

If you do not make the necessary changes, they will be made for you.

Work through your fears and you will be able to explore the journey of humanity with an open mind and further your own desires and interests along the way.

Year 2

Theme: A slow journey of patience, connection, relationships, attention to detail, sensitivity and gradual progress

What happens this year requires perseverance and great patience - what you desire will take longer than expected, so temper your high expectations of yourself and others. You will be amazed at what you can achieve if you live your life at the same pace as the cycle you are in. Clarity is one of the most important gifts this year, if you slow yourself down enough to claim it.

Do not hold on to stress and refuse to slow down, because then the pressure of Year 2's slower pace will put even more stress on your body, which can lead to illness. Release all the stress by letting your emotions flow freely.

Above all, this is a year in which you calmly and thoughtfully pave the way for future success. This includes paying careful and tireless attention to detail and really listening to others. As you better understand those around you, you will realise that even those who appear aggressive may be hiding a great inner dissatisfaction. You need to be tactful and sensitive to their feelings and find a way to create harmony. Be patient with yourself and it will be easier for you to be patient with others.

Success will come through teamwork. You will probably have to play a certain role in a group, partnership or relationship. Some will teach you how to do it, while others will teach you how not to do it.

You will feel a need for more warmth and affection, for more acceptance of your feelings and the feelings of others. Truth, peace, cooperation and tolerance are now your only means of moving forward.

By living moment to moment, you will understand that the present is your only escape from the past and your only gateway to the future.

This year you must choose to calm your mind, develop your intuition and rely on it to make your decisions.

If your year 2 is derived from the number 11, here is some additional information:

11 is the number of ILLUMINATION - > you can see things more clearly, mentally, emotionally and physically. Your empathy and general awareness are heightened.

The 11 provides more light, more clarity and more stimulation. It opens the imagination and provides inspiration and innovative ideas. The year 11/2 is full of connections and possibilities. You could become indispensable to someone - or many people. Make sure that their dependence on you does not take up so much of your time and energy that you have nothing left for yourself.

Year 3

Theme: A fast-paced journey with a focus on communication & creativity, socialising, heart-opening celebration

In year 3, you need to constantly ask yourself, "What do I want?"

Your own long-term happiness and fulfilment are the focus and you have the opportunity to discover and create what you believe will make you happy. What you want is achievable, regardless of what seems to be standing in your way. Before the direction of your happiness can be uncovered, you must first find and heal the sources of your unhappiness.

Although year 3 often begins by emphasising what is making you unhappy, it should help you to see yourself in a new, positive light. This year is likely to hold some delicious surprises for you if you let your deepest feelings guide you.

You may have to take some brave leaps into the unknown. You will experience fears and this will help you to develop courage - and to know that you are far more capable than you ever allowed yourself to believe.

In year 3 you will realise that you do not need the approval of others. The more you acknowledge yourself and do what you want to do, the more others will accept you for who you are because they see the amazing beauty that authentic self-confidence brings. Whatever you feel, say, do or create will rub off on others, affect their mood and influence the atmosphere.

Friends play an important role this year, so try to make more time for social interaction.

If you discover a talent you did not know you had, pursue this new interest passionately. Focus on improving yourself at all levels.

You will find that spoken or written words, images, sounds, humour and unusual ideas play an important role in your life. It is important that you take your ideas seriously and be able to take a concept beyond the "idea stage" into the material world.

3 is also the number of optimism, which, if correctly understood, is an important tool for clarifying and achieving your goals. Ideas, plans or projects you started two years ago are now likely to show signs of movement and progress. Set high goals for yourself. Do your best.

This year you will discover many feelings and beliefs that you have kept well hidden, even from yourself.

You will have your problems this year, but you are totally capable of dealing with them when they arise. Your personal happiness is the theme, and it is important to understand that happiness is an emotion that must be expressed spontaneously - as and when you feel it.

Year 4

Theme: A year of hard work with a focus on the foundations of your life

This is a more serious year about working hard and improving your skills. After a light and creative year 3, you will be encouraged to increase your pace and approach your goals methodically. During the year you need to develop a clear vision of what you want and make a firm commitment to achieve it.

Once you accept the serious nature of year 4, you will be able to relax into it and have a better chance of shaping your reality the way you want it.

Year 4's energy responds best to routine, efficiency, order and organisation. Hard work is inevitable and careful planning is essential. You will develop a better sense of your own purpose and set a meaningful direction for yourself. Visualizing what you want in great detail (with all your senses) is the key to bringing it all together. A certain dream or goal may have surfaced last year, but this year is about the hard work required to achieve a goal and then following through.

Your sense of identity is the main theme: "Who am I?" and "What is my purpose?" are perhaps two of the most common questions you ask yourself. However, your sense of identity is not derived from what you do in life, but from how you feel about life and your place in it.

Let your imagination run wild, no matter how practical you think you need to be. The more freedom you give your imagination, the more likely you are to find a way forward.

Things you thought were important may be the very things that are now limiting you. Recognise what is not working and you will soon see the direction you need to take if you are to build the identity and new circumstances you desire.

Year 4 often feels confusing and difficult, for it is the nature of things to put obstacles in your way every time your attention is diverted from reality. The real purpose of year 4 is to show you where you are stuck on the path of life and to help you free yourself from situations and beliefs that limit you physically, emotionally, creatively or intellectually. This year you will come to terms with your own reality - and especially with your fear of change.

Focus on what is really important to you.

Although there may be a surge of highly accelerated action this year, progress in the 4-energy is not usually fast. You will often encounter various obstacles just to regain your acceptance of reality and thus your balance, vision, belief in yourself and determination.

This may not be the easiest year but it can be one of the most fulfilling cycles you will ever experience.

If your year 4 is derived from the number 22, here is some additional information:

22 represents the achiever, master builder, diplomat and masterful organiser. It offers awareness, intuition and the ability to lead and direct. This year you can learn how to combine these qualities to achieve great things.

To do this, you need real belief in yourself and what you are doing, as well as hard work and practical approaches. If your efforts are geared towards improving conditions for others, the chances of success are even greater.

2 represents partnership, connection, teamwork, peace, cooperation, diplomacy, feminine energy and deep sensitivity. 22 can make you oversensitive, but you can also learn to use this heightened sensitivity to "feel" what is going on. You seem to know things that are hidden from others.

In a 22/4 year, the 4 is always present, while the 22 moves through your life in less frequent but more intense waves of empathy and possibility. Both emphasise the importance of patience, attention to detail and the right timing.

22/4 offers you many opportunities to combine the ideal with the practical to create an authentic breakthrough!

Year 5

Theme: A journey of change and new experiences that will test your relationship to freedom

You are now in the middle of a whole nine-year cycle of your life. This is a time of fun and exciting changes! There will be many ups and downs, but you should embrace the uncertainty. Expect a fundamental change in your life or a series of smaller changes that will lead not only to a completely new way of living, but also to a completely new understanding of life itself.

Year 4 was restrictive and limiting. This year you need to focus on being limitless and free, and be able to recognise opportunities as they arise. Some changes will be sudden and unexpected, while others will be initiated by you. Expect the unexpected. Understand that you are where you are so that you can benefit from the experience.

This year is likely to be full of new people, places and possibilities. You may find an opportunity falling right into your hands, or you may find yourself running back and forth in all directions as you consider whether a particular change of course is what you want. Ultimately, you have to make a decision, and that takes courage. It is important that you know what you are feeling at every single moment. Denied feelings remain trapped inside you and rob you of freedom.

Regardless of global events, the world is now opening up to you and inviting you to experience it to the fullest. To experience and maintain your freedom, you may have to make some mistakes. The 5-energy will help you to finally take responsibility for your mistakes, and if you are truly open to freedom and meaningful change, it will offer you the alternatives you seek.

At some point this year you will feel a deep need for more freedom and spontaneity in your life. Break out of old routines and do things differently. Look for those new ways. Feel the freedom that is inside you, regardless of your external situation. This strong feeling will help you to change your external circumstances.

Year 5 also reminds you to take care of your body. Respect it. Heal it. Strengthen it. Love your body and increase your physical well-being.

Your horizons are much broader now. Year 5 has all the elements of a life in the "fast lane" - if you set out confidently with a specific goal in mind, you can relax and enjoy these action-packed episodes. Set your sights high and experience the reality of change, variety, adventure, possibility and above all, your precious free will.

Year 6

Theme: A journey of relationships, love, magnetism, healing, responsibility and balance

Year 6 is about love and matters of the heart, including marriage, family, children, parents, close friends, responsibility, the home, healing, education, security, peace and creativity. The joys and problems of your personal life are in the foreground.

When love is your motivation, almost anything can be accomplished. If you let people be who they really are, your feelings will flow openly and lovingly. Others will feel comfortable in your presence.

Do not make promises you cannot keep and do not take on responsibilities that are not yours. Circumstances this year offer you the freedom to take care of your real responsibilities lovingly and naturally.

Accept that there are certain demands on your emotions, your time and your resources this year. Accept that you are able to heal yourself and that you are also able to help others heal. Health and healing are important factors this year - often symptoms occur this year so that you can get to the bottom of the causes.

The magnetic energy of the 6 can draw people to you, even strangers who feel you can help them. This year you will attract what you focus on much more easily. Focus on the good.

New opportunities will arise. New places are discovered. New homes are often sought or bought as people seek their place in the world. Home-based businesses are started, built or expanded. Marriages and partnerships are made, reformed or dissolved. New creative ventures are born. Long-lost relatives and friends appear as if from nowhere.

Emotions run high and low, hot and cold. Past judgements need to be reviewed and the feelings associated with them need to be expressed outwardly. You need to stop judging yourself and others by what society or the authorities deem "acceptable'. Seek the approval of no one but yourself and follow your own feelings to know the truth.

Year 6 is also about education - do not assume that you or anyone else has all the answers.

It is a journey of learning the truth about how you feel in your various relationships. It is a journey of healing, peace and love.

If your year 6 is derived from the number 33, here is some additional information:

33 is the number of the master teacher, healer and communicator. The emphasis is on the power of words and images, manifestation and improvement on all levels.

Throughout the 33/6 year, the 6 is always present, while the 33 energy is less frequent but more intense. The 33 is so powerful that it cannot be sustained for long periods without great stress. So do not try to be superhuman. Just be yourself.

33/6 not only gives you the creative vision you need to change the world in a loving and purposeful way, but also the physical means to put your vision into action. Perhaps you can offer information or guidance.

Some of the strongest qualities of 33/6 are sincerity and dedication, and the realisation that you cannot preach to others what you have not yet learned or experienced yourself, which makes your form of communication authentic and magnetic.

Year 7

Theme: A journey of spirituality, introspection and learning

Year 7 creates an atmosphere of privacy, solitude and quietness. It is about the constant search for answers to its steady stream of questions about oneself and life. It is about the search for truth, wisdom, dignity, fulfilment and perfection. You will feel your faith and trust being put to the test.

Without knowing its purpose, this journey can be confusing or even depressing. You will learn how to create the conditions you want for yourself. You will seek - and find - a direction that feels right for you.

This is not a time to act - it is a time to plan.

It cannot be stressed enough how important it is for you to slow down and take things more easily. In year 7, people tend to trip and fall if they move too fast - this is to force you into a calmer and more introspective mode. If you give in to such a "fall', you will soon realise that this was an opportunity to move in a more comfortable and natural direction.

You need to seek what feels ideal for you and study and analyse what you need to learn to make it happen. It might take you a whole year to figure things out, so do not assume you already know the answers. Instant gratification is not on the agenda this year. Even if your life will be moving slowly, it is possible that significant things will happen, but you should see this progress as a stepping stone to the greater potential that will open up next year.

Everything you experience this year will be influenced by the reflective power of the 7. If you are aware of this, your life will be easier to understand and organise. No matter how spiritually or materially 'advanced' you think you are, you will be confronted with an emptiness in your life that can make you feel lonely. This emptiness is your own unfulfilled potential.

When deep feelings arise, you feel them. Once you recognise these feelings and let them out of your body, your overall health will greatly improve.

Others may think you are on a completely different wavelength - it can be difficult to approach or understand you. Be aware that no one can read your mind or feel your emotions.

Everyone in your life now reflects your reality back to you. Their behaviours and attitudes can teach you a lot about yourself and give you important information about what is happening in the world.

Use this year to gain knowledge, confidence and competence.

Realise how unique and gifted you are. This year is a chance to rediscover yourself and let go of the person you once were.

This is also your year to learn the basics of magic. Only when you are fully present in a situation will you find the answers you need. If you think you already know your true identity, you may experience some interesting and possibly shocking revelations.

Year 8

Theme: A journey of achievement, finance and the development of personal power

The past year has given you the opportunity to answer many questions about who you really are and why your life is the way it is, and has helped you to find out what your real needs are. Now it is time to get down to business!

Year 8 is a time of self-empowerment and material gain. It is important to be specific and realistic about your desires so that you can achieve them. Your determination, the accuracy of the information you take in and your level of awareness will determine your success. This year is about strengthening your personal power to change the status quo and achieve a significant goal that will change the direction and quality of your journey.

Accurate information is necessary to gain power, but true understanding is also required to turn vision into reality and make the material experience a deeply spiritual one. It is up to you to decide exactly what you want to achieve and to eliminate any habits or attitudes that have held you back in the past. Whatever you desire, it is important that you see it as an achievable goal. Even though your goals may be external, the ultimate goal must be the inner feeling of satisfaction.

Material gifts and support from others will come easier to you this year. You can no longer tolerate the limitations of those who do not share or understand your need for independence and fulfilment.

You will have to make difficult decisions and adjustments for which you may not be prepared. Physical, mental and emotional stress may result. You need to take enough time to rest, even though you may not think you need to.

Circumstances this year will confront you with many different forms of power. Some will excite you - others will make you realise the terrible consequences of power when it is abused or neglected.

You may have to rethink your concept of money, power and success, because the reality of these things is changing before your eyes. True success can no longer be measured by what you take out of life, but rather by what you contribute to it.

Year 8 is a quest for inner contentment, satisfaction and happiness. One of the first rewards of the year could be the opportunity to finally do what you want to do, or to take what you already have or are doing to a much higher level.

Set higher goals for yourself than ever before. Aim for what you really want and believe that you will get it.

Year 9

Theme: The end of the current version of yourself, an inventory of the cycle of the last 9 years, 'going back' to claim your future

Year 9 marks the end of a complete nine-year cycle in your life. It is a time to close unfinished business, draw conclusions and tie up loose ends so that you can move forward in the next nine years without the burden of unresolved issues from the past.

To move forward, you must emotionally, mentally or physically rid yourself of aspects that no longer serve a purpose and are holding you back. Nothing new can happen in year 9 until the necessary terminations have taken place. Letting go of the old is necessary for progress and to avoid repeating the same story in the next nine years.

By integrating your past into the present, you can see and feel the potential of your future. You can do this by accepting the past exactly as it was and by feeling everything about it that you could not feel. This year it is time to review your life journey, address blocked memories and heavy emotional burdens that may be weighing you down. The more you have the sincere intention to allow forgotten memories to resurface, the easier it will be for you to accept the healing process of this year and create more inner space for happiness.

Allow fear to pass through you and out of you. This process develops courage and the ability to recognise which things really need to be feared and which do not.

Be honest with yourself. Only positive thinking can do more harm than good if you do not simultaneously feel that way. By feeling more deeply within yourself, you will be more understanding of other people's realities.

Year 9 takes you in a seemingly wrong direction - backwards - but that is the direction you need to take to find the unresolved issues that are preventing you from moving forward.

Inaccurate beliefs are replaced with new truths and potentials. By accepting what has happened to you, you develop a clearer picture of what you want to happen. Your old self becomes your present self and your desire determines your future self.

Not all endings involve unhappy feelings. Some situations are completed and bring you much relief. Year 9 brings significant transformation and improvements in all areas of your life, even though they may not be immediately visible.

There is more to the whole story...

Get to know the personal month number and the universal year number ;)

For my experience, scroll down.

What is the PERSONAL MONTH number?

Just as we experience the cycles of life on an annual basis, we also experience them on a monthly/daily/... basis. Although these cycles are more subtle compared to the personal year cycle, they are interconnected and play an important role in shaping our experiences. Think of these cycles as spirals within spirals, expanding to encompass larger and larger periods of time as they become more profound and powerful.

How do you calculate your personal month number?

You get the personal month number by simply adding the month to the personal year number and then reducing it to a single digit.


You want to know your personal month number for May 2023:

5 (for May - 5th month) + 2 (the personal year number we calculated above) = 7

This person’s personal numerology for May 2023 is a personal month 7 in a personal year 2.

What is the UNIVERSAL YEAR number?

The universal year number represents the energy and vibrations of a particular calendar year that influence the collective human consciousness. Understanding this number can provide valuable insight into the general trends and experiences that the collective may encounter that year and how individuals can align with this energy to manifest their goals and desires.

It is determined by adding up the digits of the year and reducing them to a single digit. This number could very easily be different from your personal year number.

Using the example above, if your personal year is 2, the universal year number for 2023 is 7 (2 + 0 + 2 + 3).


personal year numbers in practice

Here are some of the major events and themes in my life in different personal years during the last decade:

2013: Personal year 3


- completion of primary school (fun days at school)

- travelling

- start of high school: lots of communication, fun, carefree days with new friends

- left my comfort zone quite often

Personal year 4


- a lot of work at school and the associated stress

- decided to cure my allergy with a holistic approach

- trained hard and won a sport climbing competition; later in the year I also changed coaches

- started a big project related to school and my hobbies

Personal year 5


- more and more interested in photography

- lots of movement and action in many different areas (1st running competition, climbing training, travelling, swimming, school projects...)

Personal year 6


- badly sprained my ankle in January (it took a few months to heal)

- group work & failed group expedition

- fell in love

- a lot of very enjoyable travel

- first research project at school (which I was passionate about)

Personal YEAR 7


- chaotic and painful year in personal life

- difficulties deciding what I want to do in my life in the future

- end of high school, matura exams and start of university

- introduction to spirituality

- deep conversations and feelings, a lot of time spent alone

- got a business idea and started working on it

Personal year 8


- obtaining a driving licence and open water diving licence

- an emotionally difficult time

- had a summer job as a student in a distinguished company where my contribution was not respected by the bosses who abused their power, and I hated the time I spent there - I stayed there (for three months) just for the money

- participated (together with a group of strangers) in my very first hackathon and won with a creative and educational board game - kept building on this (business) idea

- hard work and a lot of perseverance

- successfully applied for an Erasmus+ internship

Personal year 9


- first time living abroad, alone

- did a 2 month internship in the most beautiful place in Europe doing what I thought was my dream job - > had many realisations around that (what I want to do and what I do not, where I want to live and how, who I need around me...)

- became very interested in personal growth and development, spirituality

- a lot of introspections and reflection about myself and the world

- started this site as a blog about my adventures in Iceland, sharing what makes my heart sing

- left my sport climbing club

- finished the big project I had started in high school

- distanced myself from some people who were close to me

Personal year 1


- did a personal hackathon where I asked myself questions like, "What do I want to study?” “What do I want to work on?" "What is most important to me in life?"

- after my bachelor's degree, I took a year off and started working in my new dream job, working on projects that were really close to my heart

- was able to create my own schedule ("This feeling of freedom really exists!")

- became a vegetarian

- found out that the tropical climate is not for me

Personal year 2


- I applied to several universities abroad and was rejected, but after a few months I was finally accepted at my first choice (it was like a miracle)

- moved out of my hometown

- a lot of teamwork at the university

- the constant work, lack of rest and freedom to plan my day the way I want and need + putting others above myself

- recurrence of my allergy

Personal year 3


- left university because something did not feel right and was making me unhappy

- my allergy was cured

- followed my passions and pursued new education

- became a “hobby teacher” and gave lectures full of fun and laughter

- spent a lot of light-hearted time with my tribe

- a lot of creative expression at work and in my personal life

- returned temporarily to my hometown

- explored the connections between my past and present

2023: Personal Year 4


The year has just begun, but some important events/themes have already occurred in my life:

- lost my job (January 2023 = my personal month 5: “Expect the unexpected.”)

- started working on my own project, which has been on my mind at least since last year (some parts for many years)

- developed a supportive routine, introduced new habits and let go of those that were not serving me

This year I patiently build my foundationS.

What about you?

I Would love to hear from you how much your personal year number resonates with you(r life).

Have a great year!

<3, Alenka

Some of the websites I visited when writing this post:
